Patience is Everything.


Would you believe if I tell you that I’m that type of person before who throws a lot of tantrums whenever I’m so mad at something, and would just shout out of nowhere?

Yes, I used to be that person. And I know it took a lot of guts for me to be honest about that side of me. But since I’m writing about patience, then I should be bold enough to share it.

The thing is that I’m not proud of that attitude of mine, and it’s not the kind of person that I wanted to be. So I’ve changed. I’ve decided to become a better person; molded and enlightened by an experience that I will never ever forget. And along the way, I was proud of my improvements.

So how did I do it? It’s by thinking and living of the idea that “Patience is a virtue.”

But the biggest trick is to use the “Power of Pause.”

How do I do it?

Whenever I’ll feel like there’s such anger boiling within me, or I’m on the verge of losing it.

I would just PAUSE for a few seconds…
Count from 1 2 3…4 5 6….
And Breathe…

And after that, I would feel a little better. Not much. But I know, I’m finally okay.

It wasn’t easy at first but I’m pleased to say that I’ve finally been able to control that sudden tantrum of mine.

So why did I entitled my blog “Patience is everything.”?

The reason is that from the moment that I’ve learned to control myself to be more patient. There were a lot of things that I’ve discovered whenever a person is more patient not just to himself, but also to all the things around him.

And here are the following realizations that I’ve learned,

It takes a lot of patience to WAIT…

It takes a lot of patience to FORGIVE.

It takes a lot of patience to be UNDERSTANDING.

It takes a lot of patience to be KIND.

It takes a lot of patience to LOVE.

It takes a lot of patience to be FAITHFUL.

It takes a lot of patience to LET GO.

It takes a lot of patience to CHANGE.

It takes a lot of patience to be STRONG.

It takes a lot of patience to be BRAVE.

And lastly, it takes a lot of patience to be a GOOD PERSON.

So you see, patience can lead to a lot of good things in a person’s life.

Actually, I’ve had a lot of realizations about it. But so far, these are the key points that have molded me to become a better person.

However, I’m far from trying to be a perfect one, for I’m just a mind wanderer who’s trying her best to live a wonderful and meaningful life.
Thank you so much for reading! 🙂



Not all our days could be as beautiful as we want it to be. And no matter how it would turn out. There is always a part of that experience that we could reflect ourselves into. Something that would mold us to be stronger than ever; to look forward to a new day with a whole new perspective. So instead of feeling down, you’ve decided to build up more courage within you, and at the same time to show such kindness not just to yourself, but also to all those people around you. For that’s when things will truly and unexpectedly fall into place. Just wait and be patient. I know it’s not going to be easy. But everything is going to be okay. You just have to believe in it. That’s all.